Friday, February 17, 2012

Remembrance of Sri Lanka's Mournful Era..!

This is a three decade sorrow..!

Nirosha Virajini nicely sang the peace song 
'ven purave' white pigeon the messenger of peace ...,

 let's listen the song ven purave...

.........but, now the end of a terrible war........

Never again the horror of war

Millions say, 
Never Again!

Never again.. 
the pain and mourn,

Never again.. 
the bombs of tomorrow,

 Never again..
the smell of gas,

Never again.. 
the death of mass,

Never again.. 
the bombs and red sky,

Never again.. 
all who die,

Never again.. 
the rations of  

Never again.. 
 the sadness of evacuation,

Never again..
 the air raids and dying,

Never again.. 
the shooting and crying,

That’s why we say
Never again....thank god....!

For those.. 
who were killed in battle,

For those.. 
who gave up their lives to save others 

For those.. 
who fought because they were forced to, 

For those.. 
who died 
standing up 
for a just cause 

For those.. 
who said war was wrong, 

For those.. 
who tried to make the peace 

For those.. 
who prayed when others had no time to pray 

For those.. 
creatures who needlessly die 

For those.. 
trees that needlessly are slaughtered 

For all of mankind...!


Rashmi Sangeetha's charming voice 
'mannaram kanramaya.....'  
had make lankan's to feel upon those innocent lives..

who died standing up for a just cause.... 
  • Another sad song of that sorrowful era.
  • mannaram kanramaya.....


So, now 
let us quietly pray:....
May God hold them in peace 
May Love flow over the Earth and cleanse us all 
This day and for always...!!!!!

Heartfelt gratitude for our Tri-forces..!



  1. You really touched my heart yaalu.this is a nice post.nevertheless, it was so sad.....

  2. Thanks sihina... yes! no sri lankans can forget those people who scarified their lives, to save others lives...!

  3. It is indeed a very touching post Fathima...

  4. War destroys every thing even people's good thoughts..
    This is a saddest post..

  5. Yes, u r right warna, but, let's we pray for peace for, forever.... thanks for commenting....:)

  6. hmm....yeah it's over, but it was a sad rememberance for each & every sri lankans. thanks for ur visit & comment vesiya...:)


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