Saturday, May 5, 2012

Quietness..! (නිසලතාව)

Quiet behind a Smile..,
is an act of modesty..
on light your honesty..
is a sweet escape from anxiety..! 

quiet quiets the words of crudeness
quiet wraps the face of sadness..!

quiet makes me a deep thinker..
quiet makes me a peace maker..!   

quiet grows up my wisdom..
quiet gives me my freedom..!

quiet wipes my sad tears..
quiet sheds my happy tears...!!   


  1. Wow! beautiful images and the saying too!

  2. I need to be a quite person.. and all ways trying to be.but I can't.

    completely agreed with the post..
    speech is silver,silence is gold!

    1. hmm....yeah some times it's hard to be while we are been provoked by someway...:) Thanks varsha dear!

  3. even though some people think that quiet people are the ones who haven't got the courage to express themselves,they are actually the strong ones,who can keep their emotions & feelings to themselves rather than making a huge fuss out of them.

    Great work Fathima.....keep it up!

    1. yes chams! some people are getting advantatge from others' quietness, by some way! then tolarance is the tool to keep up that & control ourselves...!

  4. Quiet doesn't work everytime... sometimes it may be a disadvantage... Be careful with "quiet"

  5. Of course Anu, it's quite true....:)

  6. should we b silnt always.? Even when there's nothing to listen.? Anyhow, agee with u..

    1. I have meant, not all the time rango :) but, quietness is better than speak or action, in some of situations! thanks for visit here..:)

  7. yeah sure doopath vesiya....thanks for commenting :)


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